What Are Lishi Tools?
Lishi Tools are the most effective automotive lock picking tools on the market, the game changer on lock picking, which have transformed the automotive locksmithing industry by making the process of picking and decoding locks much quickly and efficiently.
Lishi 2-in-1 Tools have combine the possibility of picking and decoding locks with only a tool making the locksmith’s job easier when they need to open a car or if they have to make a copy of a lost or damaged key, like it’s magic!
Lishi Tools are developed based on a concept called “positional lockpicking”, locksmiths insert the Lishi pick into the vehicle’s lock and pick the lock taking it to a position where it traps the wafers, allowing them to read the depths of the wafers to determine the cuts for a replacement key without having to trap them inside the lock.
Learn more about Classic Lishi